La Marató is an event that was possible thanks to TV3 to raise money for different diseases or projects. In all this year they have done 86 projects (among them La Marató against cancer that was the project that raised the most money) have brought together a lot of money over the years, with which they have helped to raise awareness of people with talks and research on many taboo diseases such as in 2021 of mental health, in 2022 of heart health and this year of sexually transmitted diseases.
Every year, around €230,000,000 are collected, which are invested in foundations, care and research on the chosen disease. This year La Marató TV3 has focused on sexual and reproductive health.
Currently, in Spain, more than 3,000,000 people are affected by sexually transmitted diseases. Every year around 210,000 people are infected. Unfortunately, some of these diseases are incurable. These problems involve issues of mental health, freedom of power, consent, among others.
In the presentation given to us by La Marató, they explained many things about this topic, such as: ETS (Sexual Transmission Diseases), menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum depression and many topics to be treated. But what the ladies and gentlemen of La Marató want to make clear is that women are the most affected in this matter (because they are the ones who will have a baby 9 months and those who eat every month). But also the most affected are young people and young people of this time, because specialists are finding that there are more and more outbreaks of ETS, cancer due to some ETS and many more problems.
ASIR: Primary information centre on sexual and reproductive health.
Article written by: Lucía, Sara, Martina and Pablo