Informacion Infantile

Throughout this stage, the teachers create an atmosphere of trust and affection suitable for the
students to feel at all times the protagonist of their learning.
The purpose is to provide educational situations that allow children to gradually discover and grow, the possibility of relating to others, both children and adults, through the different languages of expression and communication; the observation and discovery of their immediate environment and the acquisition of values, habits and guidelines of conduct that favor their personal autonomy and their integration into society. This way we achieve that our students
learn reading and writing, the use of mathematical skills, the use of technologies as a learning tool and the approach of the foreign language without forgetting personal enrichment, the recognition and control of emotions, as well as the learning of social, ethical and moral skills.
This is how our students acquire reading and writing skills, mathematics, the use of technology as a tool of learning and getting familiar to foreign languages, personal enrichment, self recognition and control of emotions and learning of social, ethical and moral values.
At Mare de Déu del Coll school, this stage takes on great importance: it aims to stimulate the development of our students in all their potential, their abilities, their habits and their moral in this stage, childrens basic biological, psychological, affective, intellectual, recreational and social needs are especially taken care of.


English is very important at this stage, laying the foundations that will prepare them for the future. We enjoy linguistic immersion activities such as “Arts” and “Psychomotricity”.