
We BELIVE in education in all its manifestations, an education that is committed to our values and to our tradition of quality, serene, solidarity and from the heart, as corresponds to the charisma of our titular Congregation. Our ideal is for these values to be present throughout the College’s work as a route to our missionary dimension.

We PLACE the person at the centre of the educational process. It is therefore in keeping with its total and harmonious development, in accordance with the Christian conception of man and life. We aim for a comprehensive education that addresses all dimensions of the person: body, intellectual, affective, social, ecological, playful, aesthetic and transcendent.

We want to be SIGNIFICANT in the transmission of evangelical values. Comprehensive training of students in the College includes religious training; in view of this, it is provided with the basic knowledge of Catholic doctrine, along with a continuous dialogue between faith, science and culture.But the College is not Catholic solely because the subject of religion is taught there, but because of the style, climate, relationships between the estates, the educational approach and the proposed values. Our centres do not reduce their role to merely conveying theoretical values, but instead try, first of all, to live them in the educational community, then turn them into solid convictions and well-rooted habits.For this reason, we consider it essential to promote the following values:

  • The value of the person. We defend the dignity of the human person, of every human person, without any discrimination.
  • The value of freedom. We must not only defend our own but also respect and defend the others’.
  • The value of the creation. Not only is a human being part of the creation valuable and dignified; all nature is dignified and must be respected.
  • The Threshold Value. That is to say, the value of man’s openness. Man is not a being locked in his body and in feelings. He must not be confined in himself, in his own nation, or in his world. Let us educate to take the flight and to the height. If we do not close anything to the pupil, it is likely to reach out to God, and so we do not close the doors to others who are not of our religion or ideology, in search of healthy cooperation in matters that affect the common good.
  • The option value for the weak on earth. They are the favorites of Jesus, whom we have as Master. We must love them all, starting with those who most need our love: the weak on earth, whom we call passed over, because they link their passion to that of Jesus who, on the cross, has the heart passed over.